The value of insurance stems from the human need for protection— protection of self, of family, of livelihood, and of the environment. Tawuniya considers the protection of people and their assets a critical component to a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive world.

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an accessible and effective framework for combating many of the world’s most pressing environmental, political, and economic challenges. From the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda, Tawuniya has identified several SDGs which enables the Company to make the most positive impact on its stakeholders and the environment through its business operations, underwriting activities, investments, and community programs.

We are prioritizing the following seven United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Tawuniya’s ESG strategy:

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Tawuniya promotes health and well-being for all—regardless of age, background, or socio-economic status, and continues to implement many initiatives to nurture good health and well-being among our customers, employees, and local communities. Tawuniya’s most recently launched and well received programs—Tawuniya Drive and Tawuniya Vitality—both support the health and well-being of our customers by incentivizing healthier lifestyle choices and safer driving respectively.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Tawuniya makes a conscious effort to ensure gender equality in the workplace. The Company strives to establish an environment where employees are not judged by their gender, but rather by their skills, behaviors, and work ethics. Tawuniya has significantly increased the number of female employees in its workforce, and is committed to promoting gender equality at all organizational levels.

SDG 5: SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent work and economic growth are ideals that align with Tawuniya’s goal of being a trusted partner known for protecting its stakeholders’ most valuable assets. The Company aims to empower its customers through educational campaigns, and its employees through a variety of professional courses under its newly introduced, comprehensive Learning and Development strategy.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

As a risk manager, risk carrier, and investor, Tawuniya fully supports the goal of prioritizing socially inclusive and environmentally friendly economic development. Tawuniya aims to empower customers, partners, and employees to innovate continuously. By insuring our customers against risks, Tawuniya gives them freedom to pursue innovative projects with the potential to benefit society. The Company’s underwriting and financing activities support infrastructure projects, sustainable industrialization, and reliable transportation.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Tawuniya’s goal is to make cities inclusive, safe, and sustainable. Tawuniya Drive helps make towns and cities safer by promoting safe driving and offering financial incentives that reduce the likelihood of accidents, complemented by campaigns to raise customer awareness on ways to prevent accidents with the goal of building a safer society. Additionally, Tawuniya’s proposed public park will help improve the quality of life in its immediate and adjacent areas and communities. Through its insurance activities, the Company helps protect properties against damage from floods, fires, and burglaries. Tawuniya also helps protect the investments of individuals, businesses, and government bodies through insurance policies. Finally, Tawuniya’s numerous CSR initiatives support local communities, contributing towards reducing economic disparities and eliminating poverty.

SDG 13: Climate Action

SDG 13: Climate Action

Over the past few years, Tawuniya has significantly reduced its waste generation as well as its resource consumption. In the coming years, the Company will continue to integrate climate considerations in its organizational structure, decision-making processes, and investment policies. The construction of Tawuniya’s park is another key step in its mission to offset Tawuniya’s emissions. As an insurer, Tawuniya also play a vital role in mitigating the effects of natural disasters resulting from climate change on economic growth and personal finances. In the future, the Company plans to extend its scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

SDG 17: Partnerships

SDG 17: Partnerships

Building new partnerships and establishing the environments necessary to provide high-quality solutions to customers is a key pillar in Tawuniya’s ESG strategy. The Company partners with leading hospitals to build a network for benchmarked healthcare, while also collaborating with repair shops across the Kingdom to give customers the best experience possible. We aim to lead by example through our multi-stakeholder partnerships, helping our partners to integrate ESG into their business operations. We also try to further the ESG agenda in our discussions with international development organizations, governments, regulators, non-governmental organizations, other insurers, and local communities.
